Since 1997, building tools and solving data problems so educational stakeholders can increase their capacity to improve student achievement.
Learn About CSISFall 2 Milestone - Zero Fatal Errors
Fall 2 Certification Deadline
Our work in data management is crucial to a vibrant future for California's 6.2 million students. Student data connects funding to meaningful outcomes for our children.
Learn about CALPADS See other ways CSIS servesPeople are at the heart of a healthy data culture, one that values high quality data as the foundation to better decisions. We build tools to help improve local data management strategies and inspire communities of data practitioners to use data for the greater good.
Learn MoreWe strive to provide responsive leadership as a community partner and maximize service to clients. These big goals are accomplished through a number of smaller projects. This strategy improves our ability to build detailed plans, focus attention on the efforts at hand and allows us to be more responsive to stakeholders as needs arise.
How CSIS serves California